Concertgebouw is desperately trying to cut its audience

Concertgebouw is desperately trying to cut its audience


norman lebrecht

November 13, 2021

Message from the Amsterdam concert hall, following the Dutch government’s new restrictions:

Due to the new corona measures, Het Concertgebouw can receive up to 1250 visitors per concert until Saturday 4 December .
More than 1250 tickets have been sold for the following concerts in the Grote Zaal:
– 10cc on Tuesday 16 November
– Carmina Burana on November 19th
– Ninth Symphony of Mahler with Iván Fischer on November 25
– Maria João Pires on November 28th
– Janine Jansen and the Concertgebouworkest on December 1 and 2
– Cecilia Bartoli on December 3rd
From these concerts we are currently looking at how we can bring the number of visitors back to a maximum of 1250. Ticket buyers of these concerts will be received as soon as possible via email message .
The rest of the concerts until Saturday, December 4 will continue . At these concerts you will only be able to get a drink before the concert, which you can then take in the hall .


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