Ruth Leon recommends…Inner World – Wigmore Hall
Ruth Leon recommendsInner World – Wigmore Hall
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On Wednesday evening, the soprano Marlis Petersen, with pianist Stephan Matthias Lademann, is giving a gorgeous programme of songs that she is calling Inner World. A cursory glance at the programme, provided by Wigmore Hall online and very informative, gives the theme of the evening. The programme notes also helpfully include the song lyrics, in the original and in translation. It includes Seele’s Nacht und Träume, Richard Strauss Die Nacht, Johannes Brahms Nachtwandler, Hugo Wolf Die Nacht, Mahler, Liszt, Brahms, Faure, and many more.
Well, you get the idea.
This is one of a series of four recitals, this one examining our inner world of dreams and visions. She has grouped the songs under headings – In English the groups are: Night and Dreams (German), Inner Movement (German), Interior Movement (French), Redemption and Homecoming (German). It’s a demanding programme, not for the newcomer, but full of wonderful vocal lollypops which Marlis Petersen is more than capable of delivering.
Marlis Petersen is a German opera singer, best known for her searing interpretation of the title role in Lulu at opera houses throughout the world. She is increasingly well known as a singer of lieder.
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