US will admit fully-vaxed vistors from November 8

US will admit fully-vaxed vistors from November 8


norman lebrecht

October 15, 2021

The White House assistant press secretary has just confirmed a significant shift in Covid travel:

It may help ease admission for working musicians.


  • pvl says:

    In France:

    “Covid19 – le Sénat rejette la proposition de loi sur l’obligation vaccinale”énat-rejette-proposition-165836205.html

    Vive la France!

  • Music fan says:

    With so many in the US still unvaccinated, who in the 1st world would even want to go there?

    • John says:

      Artists going to most major cities (e.g. on the West or East Coasts) in the U.S. will encounter rates of vaccination equivalent to, or better than, current rates in Europe. It’s the places most artists don’t go, as well as some big cities in the South (Dallas, Atlanta, and Miami, for example) that are dragging down the country’s overall percentage.

      • Bone says:

        Singling out Southern cities with high minority populations isn’t a great look, hoss.
        But you ain’t wrong.

        • V. Lind says:

          It’s not about minority populations, though they may contribute to statistics anywhere in the US — but in the South it is Conservative governments. MAGA types.

        • Amos says:

          Yo Hoss in the latest CDC tally the % of vaccinated adult Caucasians, African-Americans and Hispanics is within 1% of each other. On the other-hand the % of registered Republicans, which are over-represented in the South, is ~ 30% less than Democrats.

      • Hayne says:

        That means the South has less superspreaders:)

        • Amos says:

          Comrade H you might want to reconsider your COVID-19 disinformation campaign given the rampant spread of infections and death in Moscow due to the lack of an effective vaccine. This morning the numbers of each were the highest on record. Regrettably this is due in large part to the distrust, with good reason, of your colleagues failed Sputnik V vaccine. Anyone who punctuates the term superspreader with a smiley face needs to find a new occupation.

          • Hayne says:

            Why you are such a Russophobe is beyond me.

          • Amos says:

            Comrade H real facts are difficult to refute and stating the obvious about your leader VP is not Russophobic actually quite the contrary.

          • Amos says:

            Comrade H CNN online reports: Moscow Orders All Unvaccinated Over-60 Residents To Remain Home For 4 Months

            Disinformation regarding COVID has consequences well beyond accumulating digital currency.

      • Frank Flambeau says:

        Actually John, places like Minnesota, Maine and the New England area, Colorado, Wisconsin, Virginia and Pennsylvania (about 70% vaccination rate) also have high vaccination rates as does Chicago and Illinois. It is not only the coastal areas. You are right about the South, though and the Southern part of the Midwest.

      • Hayne says:

        Why are you making a completely uniformed opinion on “vaccinating” people as being a good?
        The evidence is more and more showing that the shots aren’t worth a damn at fighting covid. Vaccinated people spread just as bad and even WORSE than unvaccinated people (ADE). The worst problem of ADE (antibody-dependent enhancement) which can create through natural selection in viruses more pathological viruses than we have now.
        Hey, let’s everyone get the same antibiotic to fight bacterial infections. Superbugs. Same principle.

        • Amos says:

          Comrade H earning bitcoin from disinformation does not constitute FACTS. The latest studies show viral loads from infected unvaccinated adults are 11X higher than vaccinated cohorts. Also there is NO SUCH THING AS ADE. Overuse of antibiotics does result in generating antibiotic resistant strains of bacteria but no such phenomenon exits for Abs and viruses because Ab-virus complexes are immediately cleared from the circulation. Clearly your knowledge of Immunology is similar to that you recently displayed regarding enzymology; back to science primary school.

    • Amos says:

      For instance in Massachusetts the current figure is 90% vaccinated and the majority of those unvaccinated live in the western part of the state.

      • Hayne says:

        I did not know Barnstable County was in western Mass. Thanks:)

        • Amos says:

          Comrade H I assume you also did not know the meaning of the word majority. You are welcome!

          • Hayne says:

            In a study of 469 cases of covid that broke out in Barnstable this July, 74% were ‘fully vaccinated persons’. Four out of five persons hospitalized were fully vaccinated.
            Those darn unvaxxed western Massachusetts (and by your implication, hicks) people!

          • Amos says:

            As always Comrade H your posts regarding COVID are either complete BS or selective to push disinformation regarding the efficacy of vaccination. In Barnstable the majority of the cluster is in Provincetown in which ~ 50% of the cases are from non-MA residents of unknown vaccination history. Of those hospitalized 0% were fatalities. With an N=5 it would be, for an actual scientist, impossible to indicate the significance of vaccinated vs. unvaccinated. Nonetheless keep pushing ivermectin & hydroxychloroquine and stay in that isolation bubble basement until you opt to get vaccinated.

  • Frank Flambeau says:


  • Patrick says:

    Are you sure you want to come here?

  • Greg says:

    With the flood of illegals flooding through the southern border, is it any wonder the vax rates may be lower in the south? Who even knows the truth any more? Between the government’s propaganda and incompetence, the establishment media’s bias and coverup, and social media’s censorship we will never know.

    • Amos says:

      Three sentences and every one a disinformation tour de force. The CDC has issued numerous fact-based assessments of “illegals” spreading COVID and it is merely propaganda. The only people who don’t know the truth are those who are informed via fb and people like you. The government is doing everything possible to get everyone safely vaccinated. Making sure that everyone knows that there is no efficacy in treating COVID with chloroquines, anti-lice RXs, bleach or UV lights is not censorship but merely preventing the dissemination of garbage pseudo-science by people looking to profit on a tragedy. Read peer-reviewed scientific studies with data and statistical analysis and the truth is clear.