Cathedral carves a chorister onto its ceiling

Cathedral carves a chorister onto its ceiling


norman lebrecht

October 01, 2021

Exeter Cathedral has rewarded a chorister’s 50 years service by commissioning a likeness of his head to be set into its 14th century ceiling.

Gordon Pike, who retired from singing last year, said he was ‘gobsmacked’.

The stone head weighs up to 40 kilo.


  • fflambeau says:

    It’s a wonderful and most unusual tribute.

  • John Borstlap says:

    Wonderful gesture!

    Sometimes such things go wrong. In the 14th century the abt of Salisbury cathedral gave a similar commission to reward a chorister, but since the abt had had a bit too much wine at dinner, the instruction got a bit warbled and the poor man was bricked into the triforium wall of the south transept, against his will.

  • Una says:

    What a wonderful lasting tribute tgan just a large box of chocolates! An amazing length of service to be celebrated.