Anna Netrebko requires urgent surgery

Anna Netrebko requires urgent surgery


norman lebrecht

October 19, 2021

The Russian soprano has pulled out of Vienna’s Nabucco in the first half of November in order to undergo surgery on a troublesome shoulder.

She says: Unfortunately, I am forced to cancel my performances of Nabucco at the Wiener Staatsoper. I have been suffering from debilitating pain in my shoulder for many months now and my doctor has advised me that I must undergo urgent surgery on my shoulder followed by physical rehabilitation immediately after in order to address this. I am sorry to miss my dear Viennese audience this time and look forward to performing again for you very soon!

After Nabucco, her next opera performances are Macbeth at La Scala in December.


  • A.L. says:

    That may be but the voice is in shambles, too. Someone uploaded a bootleg video of one of her very recent Toscas (without husband) at the Mariinsky and her singing triggered so much criticism that it was taken down. Yes, it was that bad.

  • Concertgebouw79 says:

    She has a little rendez-vous for the 7th of December in Milan Hope it will be good.

  • IP says:

    If they can get Anna Pirozzi to actually sing the part. . .

  • Gary Freer says:

    Katherine Jenkins is available!

  • V. Lind says:

    Someone close to me has recently had a very troublesome shoulder. His does not require surgery, but this is no small thing. Good luck to her.

  • Günther Kraus says:

    Gute Besserug, Liebe Anna.