BBC Moscow correspondent recomposes ABBA

BBC Moscow correspondent recomposes ABBA


norman lebrecht

September 07, 2021

Steve Rosenberg, the BBC’s Moscow correspondent, is a passionate pianist with a taste for music high and low.

News of an ABBA return was too much to pass him by. So he recomposed ‘Waterloo’ as a Tchaikovsky-style miniature.



  • Elizabeth M. Salter says:

    Much nicer to listen to than the original version.

  • Jeff says:

    Recomposing…..also known as….arranging…..

  • Dudley Moore used to do that.

  • Gary Freer says:

    Benny’s own classical album on DG is better.

  • Hmus says:

    Much more in the style of something like Addinsel than any Russian, (especially Rachmaninoff as he suggested.)