We’re Flandering in nonets

We’re Flandering in nonets


norman lebrecht

July 13, 2021

A couple of weeks ago, I delighted in the discovery of a nonet by the Italian film composer Nino Rota to add to one of my all-time favourites, the deathbed nonet by the Czech exile Bohuslav Martinu.

Today, I received a new release by the Flanders group Oxalys, featuring both the Martinu and Rota nonets, together with a nine-movement nonet by the Hollywood exile Hanns Eisler.

Joy upon joy.


  • Wurm says:

    Fantastic stuff from all three composers here – can’t wait to enjoy the full recording

  • Concertgoer says:

    Don’t forget Gounod (the Petite symphonie, 1885) and Previn (two string quartets and double bass, 2014).

  • Mock Mahler says:

    Don’t forget ‘No-no Nonette for assorted winds and toys’ by P. D. Q. Bach.

    Btw, the distinguished P.D.Q. Bach scholar Peter Schickele turns 86 this week.

    • Gustav says:

      His titles are always the best:

      Oratorio The Seasonings

      and the operas

      The Abduction of Figaro

      A Little Nightmare Music

      The Stoned Guest

      Wishing him many happy returns!

    • Peter San Diego says:

      And let’s not forget the marvelous music Schickele writes under his own name.

  • Vance Koven says:

    I’ve known the Rota and Martinu nonets (the latter is technically Nonet #2, though #1 is a different instrumentation) for some time, looking forward to hearing the Eisler. Starting with Spohr, the nonet configuration of wind quintet, string trio and bass became something of a standard, and there are many fine examples.

  • Interesting that Martinů and Rota both follow the scoring of nonet pioneer Spohr (except that Martinů 1 substitutes a piano for the double bass). Gounod of course is all winds. But Eisler innovates: in his No.1 ditching the oboe in favor of a second violin (less mellow perhaps) while in No.2 bringing in trumpet and timpano and unbalancing the strings (sign of the times). Previn follows Eisler 1 but makes of the four winds a second string quartet: Mendelssohn plus double bass.

  • Edgar Self says:

    I dearly hope there’s a Nono Nonet. “No, no, Nanette” doesn’t count.