For Zubin’s a jolly good fellow

For Zubin’s a jolly good fellow


norman lebrecht

July 12, 2021

Zubin Mehta’s concert with Belgrade Philharmonicended with a surprise.

When he returned to the stage to receive applause, dozens of chorus singers hidden among the audience burst into ‘For He’s a Jolly Good Fellow.’ The orchestra seemed to know it. Zubin looks like he probably hadn’t heard it since his tenth birtay part.



  • Gustavo says:

    And so say all of us = Metoo

  • Petros Linardos says:

    Nice and appropriate, but isn’t there any Serbian equivalent?

  • Henry williams says:

    To travel at his age with covid 19 around. Is taking
    A risk.

    • jelica gligorijeviv says:

      The Hall was full of people, without distance, without masks! A very huge risk for all of them

    • Saxon says:

      Er…life is full of risks. But perhaps he thought, at his age, he doesn’t know how long he has left to conduct in Belgrade. So perhaps he wanted to take the opportunity to do so while he is still able, rather than taking the risk of never being able to conduct there again.

  • Natasha says:

    Last night, some higher, cosmic, justice rewarded Belgrade with a gentle and passionate Beethoven, serious and dramatic Brahms, star moments of the Belgrade Philharmonic and sparks in the beautiful eyes of a good man and one of the greatest living artists, Meastro Zubin Mehta.
    We are grateful that one snowy and cold morning in 1958 he stepped on the platform of the Belgrade railway station and since then he has returned to us for the eighth time, that he loves us without reason or explanation, that he asked us how we were, when COVID overcame our country, that every time he gives up his honorarium and helps many in Serbia, including the Institute for Mother and Child Health Care and my nephrology department …
    We are grateful that his example shows us what a man is, can and should be.
    That is why he is so much-loved and huged here, not only as a legend but also as a dear friend.
    Last night the Philharmonic and all of us in the audience at Kolarac, wanted to, the only way we could, give something in return – the good for the good – to Maestro Zubin Mehta.
    That is the reason why we could and should sing and we did sing “He is a jolly good fellow “.

  • Peter San Diego says:

    Good to see him out of the wheelchair and on his feet.

  • Annette Honickman says:

    Mazel Tov Maestro Zubin Mehta

  • Xper2xper says:

    His birthday is on 29 April.
    So what’s this?

  • Anand Sharma says:

    I always his fan still at the age of 73yrs