Yannick’s assistant gets signed up

Yannick’s assistant gets signed up


norman lebrecht

June 15, 2021

The German-Japanese baton Erina Yashima, presently assistant conductor at the Philadelphia Orchestra, has been signed by Yannick’s agents at Askonas Holt.

She was previously assistant to Muti in Chicago.


  • Patrick says:

    Geez, I hate photos like this. One, it’s posed. That’s just embarrassing – and pure vanity. Two, if there were an orchestra in front of her she would be focusing a powerful gesture not towards them, but at the floor. Three, sure, the baton can go behind your back, but how useful is a gesture that the orchestra sees only the last portion of?

  • CSOA Insider says:

    Congratulations Erina, you are a very talented conductor, an incredibly bright woman and a great human being. The future is yours!

    We had not doubt that you would spread your wings and flourish outside of Chicago. Though we are looking forward to seeing you back here as often as possible!

  • Jim Dukey says:

    Get a Life, People!
    Stupidest Comments Ever.
    Never seen Publicity Photos before?

    • Karl says:

      She has plenty of other photos on her website. This one that is also on of the front page of her site is by far the worst.

  • J Barcelo says:

    As Adrian Boult would say, “Ah, one of the sweaty ones.”