‘It’s not fair that music chiefs earns millions while musicians can’t pay their rent’

‘It’s not fair that music chiefs earns millions while musicians can’t pay their rent’


norman lebrecht

June 22, 2021

From Labour MP Kevin Brennan, a member of the Select Committee for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport, introducing a new bill to make streaming pay direct to musicians:

This is all about creating the right future structure for a secure career in music. I want young people to be able to aspire to make a reasonable living from original music. I want them to be able to make music that people will love and appreciate, and to get a fair share of the money people pay to listen to it.

Not every talented person will be able to make a living out of music, but there’s something wrong with a system where record industry executives get massive salaries and share options when, as we heard recently on the Culture Select Committee, some award-nominated artists can’t afford to pay their rent.

My bill would play a part in helping to create an environment where more talented people can have that opportunity to make a living out of their creative skills.

Full article here.


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