News from out there: I’m playing piano and the family won’t pay attention…
mainA letter to Dear Abby:
DEAR ABBY: One of the things I always do when I have my parents and my sibling’s family over is play the piano. My 80-year-old father LOVES to hear me play. I am an accomplished pianist and I love to play difficult pieces.
During their most recent visit, while I was “trying” to play the Warsaw Concerto for my father, my family was talking over my grand piano, my niece was chasing my grand-niece through the living room and my sister-in-law was filming me, which was chaotic and terribly distracting. I think they were rude and disrespectful. How can I get them to stop this kind of behavior without sounding like a snotty jerk? — SERIOUS MUSICIAN IN COLORADO
ABBY replies:
DEAR MUSICIAN: When you wish to perform a concert for your father, entertain your parents APART from your sibling and the kids.