Leipzig in uproar over Swiss chorus chief

Leipzig in uproar over Swiss chorus chief


norman lebrecht

March 26, 2021

MDR reports much unhappiness in the choir at Bach’s church because the senior boys were not consulted over their new director.

The Swiss church musician Andreas Reize had already been chosen as the new director of the St Thomas’s Boys Choir and cantor of St Thomas’s Church in Leipzig in December 2020. The Leipzig City Council had approved the selection committee’s proposal and thus decided against the Thomaner’s preferred candidate, David Timm. Three months after the election, fierce opposition is now emerging from the ranks of the St Thomas’s choir, who are voicing massive criticism of the procedure for the replacement: The concerns of the seniors of the eleventh and twelfth grades of the St. Thomas Choir were not heard, they say in a public letter. The mayor and councillor for culture, Skadi Jennicke, firmly rejects the accusations.

Read on here.

Happy Easter ahead.


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