LA Phil bass turns to Jimi Hendrix

LA Phil bass turns to Jimi Hendrix


norman lebrecht

January 03, 2021

Just in from Peter Rofé, doublebass of the Los Angeles Philharmonic:

My roots as a bass player go back to playing electric bass in garage bands, so during the pandemic, I’ve revisited the tunes of my youth. I deconstructed some classics, covering both the bass and guitar parts…while attempting to sing as well. Plug in some headphones and give it a listen, and stay tuned for some Beatles songs. Filmed by my son Ike Rofé.


  • ProofReadPlease says:

    Peter’s a section player in the Philharmonic. Not principal.

  • Tribonian says:


  • Greg Bottini says:

    ” ‘Scuse me, while I kiss the sky”

  • James elliott says:

    Great bassist Why is it always the obvious songs that get played should try Pali gap or electric lady land