The Pope’s new music director is Brazilian

The Pope’s new music director is Brazilian


norman lebrecht

November 28, 2020

Press statement:

The Holy Father has appointed the Reverend Mons. Marcos Pavan, currently acting interim Master Director of the same Pontifical Music Chapel, as Master Director of the Pontifical Music Chapel, called the Sistine Chapel.

Curriculum vitae

Born in São Paulo (Brazil) on October 23, 1962, the Rev. Mgr Marcos Pavan received priestly ordination for the Diocese of Campo Limpo on June 29, 1996.

Graduated in law from the University of São Paulo in 1985 and enrolled in the Brazilian Bar, he completed his studies in Philosophy in Rome at the then Center for Higher Studies of the Legionaries of Christ and those in Theology at the Pontifical University of San Thomas Aquinas .

He has a solid artistic and musical education, having attended piano and music theory studies, vocal technique and Gregorian chant, as well as choral conducting, also carrying out concerts and making recordings for radio and television.

He joined the Pontifical Music Chapel as Assistant to the Pueri Cantores in 1998, and since 10 July 2019 he has been entrusted with the role of interim Master Director of the same Pontifical Music Chapel.



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