Philharmonia Baroque seeks new chorus chief

Philharmonia Baroque seeks new chorus chief


norman lebrecht

November 03, 2020

Bruce Lamott, director of the San Francisco-based Philharmonia Baroque Chorale, is retiring after 23 years.

From the press release:

While concert halls remain closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Music Director Richard Egarr will take over Lamott’s duties, leading both the Orchestra and Chorale in the first season that live performances are allowed to resume. An international search for Lamott’s replacement will begin during that time.

Egarr said, “Although I haven’t known Bruce long, it is clear that he is a broad-minded, inquisitive, and brilliant musician. He has made the Chorale an invaluable and utterly indispensable part of Philharmonia. He will be sorely missed and we wish him much happiness and joy in the future. For the first post-pandemic season I intend to spend time myself rehearsing and conducting the Chorale so I can really get to know them. I’m so much looking forward to this time and steering the Chorale and the entire Philharmonia family forward.”



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