Green Party demands support for freelance musicians
mainThe Green Party in Germany has come out with a massive social media campaign, calling on Chancellor Merkel’s Government to provide direct aid for self-employed musicians, actors and other threatre professionals.
The driving force behind it is Katrin Göring-Eckardt, leader of the Green faction in the Bundestag.
Read her petition here.
The glamorous Katy is doing something right! This has to be applauded – the German Green Party has too often stood for unrealistic demands and preposterous political positions.
She should be running for chancellor next year.
I doubt the Greens get many votes except from Hipsters and those in Islington.
The governor of one of Germany’s largest and most prosperous states, Baden-Württemberg, is a member of the Green Party. Nationally, they hold about 9% of the vote and have a significant influence on the government.