Anne-Sophie Mutter is now playing in churches
mainThe German violinist is starting a series of concerts to raise funds for freelance musicians in Germany who have lost their livelihood.
Here’s her message:
‘Life is short, art is long.’
I will be playing next Sunday, November 15, with musician friends in the Thomaskirche Leipzig for church services at 9:30 am and 6:00 pm.
This is the start of a series of musical worship performances I will do in the coming weeks with Mohamed Hiber, Vladimir Babeshko and Daniel Müller-Schott. We want to draw attention to the catastrophic economic situation of many musicians and request donations for them.
Corona deprives freelance professional musicians of livelihood. From one day to the next: no more gigs – therefore no revenue.
′′ Art is long ′′ – but only if we support these musicians through our solidarity – not only verbally, but above all through private donations. The German Orchestra Foundation set up an emergency aid fund in March to help freelancers whose concerts have been cancelled.
I sincerely ask for your solidarity: Please help the German Orchestra Foundation to provide emergency aid. Every euro helps!
The fundraising campaign of the German Orchestra Foundation is under the auspices of Minister of Culture Monika Grütters and (conductor) Kirill Petrenko. This patronage is a strong signal for musicians and an encouragement for a generous donation.
′′ Life is short ′′ – but music filled with all the more beautiful.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
More information about the emergency aid fund:
The donation account:
German Orchestra Foundation – Password: Emergency aid fund
IBAN: DE35 1004 0000 0114 1514 05
For donations exceeding 200 euros, the Deutsche Orchesterstiftung issues a donation receipt (please give first name, last name and address when transferring); if you donate below this amount, the transfer receipt is sufficient to submit to the tax office.
Das Leben ist kurz, die Kunst ist lang.“
Damit unser kurzes Leben mit Schönem und gemeinsam Erlebten erfüllt ist, spielen Musikerfreunde und ich am kommenden Sonntag, 15. November, in der Thomaskirche Leipzig für die Besucher der Gottesdienste um 9:30 Uhr und um 18:00 Uhr.
Dies ist der Auftakt einer Reihe musikalischer Gottesdienst-Gestaltungen, die ich in den kommenden Wochen mit Mohamed Hiber, Vladimir Babeshko und Daniel Müller-Schott Official Site unternehmen werde. Wir wollen damit auch auf die katastrophale wirtschaftliche Lage vieler MusikerInnen aufmerksam machen und um Spenden für sie bitten.
Denn mit Corona wurde den freischaffenden Berufsmusikern die Lebensgrundlage entzogen. Von einem auf den anderen Tag: keine Auftritte mehr – und damit keine Einnahmen.
„Die Kunst ist lang“ – aber nur, wenn wir diese Musikerinnen und Musiker durch unsere Solidarität unterstützen – nicht nur verbal, sondern vor allem auch durch unsere privaten Spenden. Die Deutsche Orchester-Stiftung hat im März einen Nothilfefonds eingerichtet, der Freischaffenden hilft, die durch Absagen von Konzerten und Veranstaltungen in Existenznot geraten sind.
Ich bitte Sie ganz herzlich um ihre Solidarität: Helfen auch Sie bitte mit, dass die Deutsche Orchesterstiftung Nothilfe leisten kann. Jeder Euro hilft!
Die Spendenkampagne der Deutschen Orchester-Stiftung steht unter der Schirmherrschaft von Kulturstaatsministerin Monika Grütters und Kirill Petrenko. Diese Schirmherrschaft ist ein starkes Signal für alle MusikerInnen und ganz sicher eine weitere Ermunterung für eine großzügige Spende.
„Das Leben ist kurz“ – aber mit Musik erfüllt umso schöner.
Ich danke Ihnen aus tiefstem Herzen!
Weitere Informationen zum Nothilfefonds: �
Das Spendenkonto:
Deutsche Orchester-Stiftung – Kennwort: Nothilfefonds
IBAN: DE35 1004 0000 0114 1514 05
Bei Spenden über 200,- Euro stellt die Deutsche Orchesterstiftung eine Spendenquittung aus (bitte Vorname, Nachname und Anschrift bei der Überweisung angeben); bei Spenden unterhalb dieses Betrages genügt der Überweisungsbeleg zur Vorlage beim Finanzamt.
Good for her. Let’s hope it helps.
Absolutely. A few more artists in her class could help around the world.
It pays to be generous in life.
Brava, Anne-Sophie!
(Please stay sfae.)
Stay *safe*. sorry for the typo.
Thank you Anne-Sophie! thats really great.
She has already had Corona, thinks she is immune and can now afford to act irresponsibly – just like these obscure egocentric “Querdenker” who are running round the country campaigning for their selfish rights – a little bit like Trump.
Would you mind explaining how she is acting irresponsibly? Thanks.
By finding a way to circumvent the official hygiene rules that apply to the performing arts and currently require people (artists and audiences alike) to stay at home.
Music performed in churches to raise funds is acceptable if the donations lead to a higher humanitarian benefit.
But collecting money to enrich one’s own secular guild is tantamount to misusing places of worship.
There will be governmental aid for artists who are part of the German social system.
However, some of these free-lance artists may have played the system in the past and may not have paid church tax (Kirchensteuer), which wouldn’t justify them receiving funds raised in churches.
Why can’t ASM just collect donations for her guild without a physical presence in a church?
“Das Leben ist kurz, die Kunst ist lang.“
So what?
“Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music.”
– Sergei Rachmaninov –
So what’s all the fuss about?
Do you ever make original quotes rather than pass off on others?
These are two original quotes.
Do you ever answer questions?
>the Thomaskirche Leipzig
Not just any old church, then.
“Wir sind das Volk.” etc. pp.
Sorry – that was Nikolaikirche.
I could I forget.
Westminster Abbey is miles better. It is a Royal Peculiar, where Purcell and Handel are interred amongst the great and the good.
Leipzig is just a post war rebuild, very little is original.
Bit like busking in the street, with an auld hat. Germany has pots of Euros and a massive trade surplus, is this really needed at all? Only 33% of the population listen to classical music, UK its 35%.
Yes a minority interest is way over funded, mainly to attract tourists.
The average Jerry I have encountered would not know his Bach from his Buxtehude.
Would many really attend a church in Germany for this, given the cov-19 pandemic?
In addition I understand they have to pay a church tax, unlike for example Ireland and UK. Most of ours have gone online only as the old folk at risk are shielding. One cannot sing choral Evensong etc with a facemask on.
But you can sing Monteverdi with facemasks on: Monteverdi: