Franz gets cross

Franz gets cross


norman lebrecht

September 22, 2020

The Cross of Merit of the State of Upper Austria, the region’s highest honour, has been awarded to the conductor Franz Welser-Möst to mark his 60th birthday.

The Cleveland Orchestra music director is a local lad, born in Linz.



  • John Willan says:


  • Le Křenek du jour says:

    Brilliant pun.

  • Larry L. Lash / Wien says:

    Born in Linz, yes, as Franz Leopold Maria Möst. But his… uh, adoptive parents thought the name “Franz Möst” lacked dignity, so they added “Welser” after the city of Wells where he grew up.

    • Doc Martin says:

      It’s spelt Wels not Wells, he is not from Somerset Larry, oh arr!

      • Larry L. Lash /Wien says:

        I caught my error immediately after hitting the “submit comment” button and sent an e-mail asking Norman to please make the correction; I assume it slipped by him. As you might guess from my name, I am fond of adding extra Ls.

  • Gustavo says:

    The crux is that he didn’t get crossed.

  • Doc Martin says:

    What award should Bojo get for his Operation Moonshot, aka Apollo 13? BMJ’s editorial says it all. The FUBAR cross third class!