This typo is not in Slipped Disc
mainIt’s the headline of the leading news article in the September edition of BBC Music Magazine.
It’s the headline of the leading news article in the September edition of BBC Music Magazine.
There’s no reason to read anything political into…
The former Philly Pops, presently the No Name…
The Los Angeles Chamber Orchestra, founded in 1968…
The venerated pianist, playing the first Shostakovich concerto…
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B*gger. Mea culpa.
true, that one isn’t – but many others are! 🙂 maybe SD should employ a preafrooder?
Like, that NEVER happens at SlippedDisc …
I can’t annount for that at all.
Which reminds me. My taxes are due and I need to call my announctant.
Glass houses…. stones….
Just blame it on spell check. It used to turn Gounod into gonad.
“Is it old age? Where is the typo?????”
“Oh, I see.”
No worse than covfefe.
Is there really so little other news ?
They seem to be having trouble with their sub-headings: there’s another typo on p. 25 ‘The the post-viral struggle to bring music back will be hard and grim.’
Maybe a bug in their software, or a virus in their spell checker 😉
I used to edit the school magazine. I would read and re-read and re-read the printer’s proofs. 1,000 copies would be delivered and only then would several typos reveal themselves. So I have sympathy.
Yes, it’s pathetic that this was not noticed by the poof readers. But you will see far worse every day if you use the BBC’s Red Button text news service. It’s very useful for glancing through the day’s headlines, especially for those whose hearing is not too good (mercifully not me so far) so of course the BBC have been threatening to end it since last year. But the typos are there every day. Today: ‘The Duchess of Sussex has been allowed to keep the names of five friends who gave an interview about her secret in the case against the Mail on Sunday.’
Yes, if you read it several times you might get it – but I was left wondering why she wanted to keep others’ names when she had a perfectly good one of her own, and what secret of hers was the subject of these interviews.
What about ‘The Duchess of Sussex will not be required to disclose the names of five friends who gave interviews about her to the Mail on Sunday’?