Just in: UK quarantines Salzburg arrivals

Just in: UK quarantines Salzburg arrivals


norman lebrecht

August 20, 2020

It has just been announced that people arriving from Austria will have to serve a 14-day quarantine in the UK.

The decision, which follows rising Covid rates in Austria, dashed the country’s claim to guarantee artist comfort and safety.


  • Doc Martin says:

    Yes the cases have increased even though overall its miles better than cov-19 blighted UK. Mainly because they locked down earlier and insisted on mandatory testing for entry.
    My advice is give the whole thing a miss, until it blows over.
    Wearing a mask in a lieder recital or opera would be a real turn off for me, unless it was the Carnival in Venice.

  • Player says:

    Well, that buggers up going to Vienna for a while! They seem to be the only ones who have got a season together.

  • Sue Sonata Form says:

    How do you like the state government of Western Australia, considering electronic ankle devices for people in quarantine. That state has has virtually zero Covid-19 for some months now!! Fortress WA, with authoritarian lefty government.

  • fflambeau says:

    Impound their Mozartkugln and they will be lost.

  • MJA says:

    Your last sentence is nonsense, Norman, yet another unsubstantiated conclusion, unless you can explain the UK government’s rationale for putting Austria in the same bracket as Croatia – and I think you’ll struggle based on the figures, particularly if you are relying, as you seem to be, on anybody lending much credibility to any calls made by the UK in this matter after our shocking record in dealing with the pandemic. I have just been lucky enough to return from 5 days in Salzburg and I have nothing but admiration for (a) what they’ve achieved at the festival, and (b) the evident lengths they went to in ensuring minimal risk to everybody’s safety. Your take on it all does zero credit to someone who, I would have thought, would want to see live performance reasserting itself. But then, it is Salzburg, and your dislike of that festival is almost as well known as your feelings about Karajan.