Mahler Competition crashes Barbara Hannigan debut
mainThe livestream went down this morning, just as Barbara Hannigan popped up for an unnanounced solo in Mahler 4.
Auf Grund von technischen Schwierigkeiten ist der Livestream im Moment unterbrochen. Sobald wir die Probleme gelöst haben, kommt auch der Stream wieder und ihr werdet die Möglichkeit bekommen, alle Kandidaten nochmals anzuschauen. Wir entschuldigen uns bei euch und hoffen ihr schaut nachher weiter!
Due to technical difficulties the livestream is currently unavailable. As soon as we have fixed the issues the Stream will be back and we will give you chance to re-watch everything you have missed. We sincerely apologise and hope you stick with us.
The surviving contestants are: Harry Ogg, Thomas Jung, Finnegan Downie Dear, Katharina Wincor and late qualifier Wilson Ng.
Hann i’ ga ni’ sähe.
Habe ich gar nicht sehen (können).
I saw a few minutes of a previous round, but stopped watching when the conductor called the orchestra “you guys”.
PC alert, PC ALERT! Get out the pitchforks!
This competition is just ridiculous. The last thing to do – give her the first place. Best solution – no 1st place prize. 30 000 euros to BLM
‘Not Fair’?
It is a ridiculous competition to have during this covid period. Late qualifier? Is that even fair? And I can’t even imagine the other better conductors out there. This year’s participants are extremely disappointing.
Down to 3 contestants now for Saturday’s final, Thomas Jung, Finnegan Downie Dear, and Wilson Ng.
They are all…unimpressive conductors. Has anyone watched the live feed? Wilson has absolutely no idea what he was saying, simply waving his arms pretty, Dear looks like a scared kitten; Thomas Jung is probably the only decent one out there in the final.
(I’m a retired Kapellmeister with decades of experience)
She’s wonderful and she’s hot.
Give her the first prize.