Watch: Verona strips and shrinks Arena for Covid summer

Watch: Verona strips and shrinks Arena for Covid summer


norman lebrecht

June 17, 2020

Director Cecilia Gasdia demonstrates how it’s done in a short video.


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🎥 Domani sarà un giorno speciale! Finalmente presenteremo il calendario dei concerti di luglio e agosto #inarena con il palcoscenico al centro della platea. Prima però vi vogliamo raccontare quanto è stato difficile e profondo dover smontare quelle tavole che, in oltre un secolo, si erano fermate solo per la guerra. Abbiamo sempre creduto che non sarebbe stata un’estate silenziosa… A domani. 💖 ∙ ∙ ∙
Un’iniziativa resa possibile grazie a UniCredit, @volkswagenitalia, @falconeriofficial, Veronafiere SpA – Fiera di Verona, DB Bahn Italia .
🎥 Tomorrow will be a very special day! We shall finally present the July and August program of concerts #inarena with the stage at the centre of the stalls area. However, first of all we want to tell you how difficult it was and the profound effect of having to dismantle the boards that, in over a century, only stopped work for World Wars.
We always believed that it wouldn’t have been a silent summer…
More news tomorrow. 💖
An initiative made possible thanks to Unicredit, @volkswagenitalia, @falconeriofficial, Veronafiere SpA – Fiera di Verona, DB Bahn Italia

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  • Ron Swanson says:

    So Verona strips because of Corona

  • mary says:

    There is ZERO science that shows packed outdoor crowds spread the virus more than socially distanced outdoor crowds.

    If there were, then we ought to ban all BLM demonstrations, like the 20,000 demonstrators packed cheek to jowl, often without masks, shouting and otherwise projecting their spit into the air, in the Place de la Republique in Paris last week.

    • Peter San Diego says:

      Interesting. Unlike the French demonstrators, U.S. BLM protesters are notable for the very high percentage wearing face masks.

  • Peter says:

    I think it’s time for somebody else to step in at the Arena… and maybe they can start paying their artists as well.