Roberto Alagna to play Al Capone

Roberto Alagna to play Al Capone


norman lebrecht

June 17, 2020

The tenor has won the lead role in a French musical, premiering in 2022 (Covid permitting).

Was there much competition for the lead role? Did Grigolo find a horse’s head on his pillow?


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Composée et écrite par @lalannejeanfelix , mise en scène par @philippehersen, « CAPONE ET LES INCORRUPTIBLES » – la comédie musicale – sera vraisemblablement le « spectacle événement » de l’année 2022 ! Je suis très heureux de faire partie de cette aventure artistique … À suivre ! Composed and written by Jean-Felix Lalanne, staged by Philippe Hersen, « CAPONE AND THE UNTOUCHABLES » – the musical – is likely to be the major “entertainement event” of the year 2022! I am thrilled to be part of this artistical adventure … Stay tuned! #RobertoAlagna #AlCapone #capone #incorruptibles #untouchables #ComédieMusicale #Show #Musical #Spectacle #Creation #Event #evenement

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  • V.Lind says:

    Keep an eye on this. If it is any good at all it could be the next Hamilton.

  • Larry L. Lash / Wien says:

    Rather appropriate casting: remember when he was referred to as the male half of “the Bonnie and Clyde of Opera?”

  • Little Caesar. says:

    Type casting!!!

  • Little Caesar. says:

    Roberto is grasping at machine guns!

  • Peter says:

    Oh, dear… for sure Grigolo was never in question, it’s an all French production after all.
    Why showcase a man with a gun in his hand? It already looks ghastly!
    Does his wifey get a part in this as well, she tends to only sing with him and when she doesn’t nobody ever notices her…

  • Edgar Self says:

    Why Capone? Then I thought French production, Alagna, Dead Man Walking, Hamilton, Dr. Atomic, Nixon in China, Klinghoffer, why not? Larry Lash supplies the link, Bonnie and Clyde of opera, and Bob’s your uncle.

    Roles must be found for Edward G Robinson and Jimmy Cagney, who could also dance. I think even Hugh Jackman began as a dancer … hard to fathom. If nuclear scientists can dance on stage, anyone can.

  • fflambeau says:

    I like him. He is charismatic and a good singer. Good luck!

  • Tom Phillips says:

    This may be more appropriate for his now limited vocal abilities. He is vastly overexposed at the Met in particular and other leading opera houses.

    • Harold says:

      Capone liked a cigar which would make singing any genre difficult. The show looks kitsch and will probably make billions.