Deep sorrow at the sudden death of a musical searcher

Deep sorrow at the sudden death of a musical searcher


norman lebrecht

June 07, 2020

I am distraught at the death of Allan Evans, prolific pianophile, record producer and friend, a man who could bring wit and life to the dustiest corner of keyboard history. Allan was 64. I do not yet know the cause of death.

A man of exotic family background, Allan released more than 200 lost or forgotten recordings on his exquisite Arbiter label, among them Busoni and Schnabel with their students, Mahler’s associate Oskar Fried and the Cairo piano master Ignace Tiegerman. The sleeve notes alone are collectors’ pieces.

Allan wrote biographies of Ignaz Friedman and Moriz Rsenthal, and taught at Mannes College.

I never spent a dull moment with him.

Tim Page writes: Allan Evans, wonderful friend, scholar, biographer, record producer, family man, aesthetic philosopher, delighted conversationalist, truth seeker, lover of good food and wine, passionate influencer and so much more, has died.

I’m grateful to have known him from his teens, when we discussed old piano records at the counter of the Skyline Restaurant and our eyes would brighten. Thanks for all the kindnesses and good lessons, my friend. There is a void in a lot of worlds tonight — but you’ve left us so much.

My condolences to Beatrice and Stefan. May his memory be blessed.


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