3 Canadian composers are paid to write cat operas at home

3 Canadian composers are paid to write cat operas at home


norman lebrecht

April 09, 2020

Winners of the $50,000 Mécénat Musica Prix 3 Femmes will create three Canadian operas to be premiered 2021, with stagings by Toronto’s Opera 5, Montreal’s Opera McGill, Société de musique contemporaine du Québec (SMCQ), and Queen’s University Dan School of Music.

The winners are:

Anna Pidgorna, composer (New Westminster BC) and Maria Reva, librettist (New Westminster BC)

Parisa Sabet, composer (Toronto) and Nika Khanjani, librettist (Montreal)

Sonia Paço-Rocchia, composer (Laurentides QC) and Marie-Ève Bouchard, librettist (Saint-Jérôme QC)

Anna Pidgorna says:

Some good news: I am thrilled to finally announce that my sister Maria Reva and I are among the three librettist-composer teams chosen to participate in the Mécénat Musica Prix 3 Femmes program to develop new opera. We are so excited to be working together on a new opera that involves a cat, because we all need more cats in our lives these days.


  • Karl says:

    Cats rule the world. My cat is really enjoying having her servant home for most of the day now.

  • FrauGeigerin says:

    This is pure discrimination based on sex. I am a woman and I find this disgusting.

  • John Borstlap says:

    The stunning naivety of the initiative is breathtaking. This is the kind of thing that entirely undermines any idea of liberating female composers from stupid prejudice.

  • Terence says:


    I hope the winners remember that “cat” includes: tigers, panthers, jaguars, cheetahs etc.

    Even one opera about a domesticated cat would be too much … and I like cats.

  • Old Man in the Midwest says:

    Oh God. Socialism run amok.

    A Cat Opera. Just what we need for these troubled times.

  • Will Wilkin says:

    I’m glad whenever I hear contemporary composers are still writing opera. Considering that the human voice is central to the genre, I’m not worried that any cat will take center stage. My guess is there’ll be a lot more in here not hinted at in this funny teaser.