Young English pianist tests positive with Coronavirus

Young English pianist tests positive with Coronavirus


norman lebrecht

March 03, 2020

Joel Rawlins from Chesham in Buckinghamshire was tested positive on his return from the quarantined Diamond Princess cruise liner.

Joel, 26, has posted this message from an isolation ward in the Wirral:

It’s almost been a week and most people know by now so I thought I’d announce it publically (sic).

Last weekend I was told I had tested positive for Covid-19/Coronavirus, making me one of only 13 cases (now 20) in the entire country. I was rushed straight to hospital and have been here ever since and will remain here until I eventually test negative.

I just wanted to give a shout out to everyone who has reached out to me and messaged me.

I’ve spent a lot of the last few days on video chat to a lot of people which has made me feel considerably less lonely. Special mention to my mum Claire, best friend Jos and Princess cruises for each sending me out a care package, it’s really helped.

Thanks to everyone for your thoughts and prayers, it really means so much to me. I’ll be out real soon and I can’t wait to catch up with everyone.’


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Guess this means I’m super official now…

A post shared by Joel Rawlins (@joel_travels) on


  • Chris says:

    You can grab that t-shirt here

  • Edgar Self says:

    Best of luck and quick recovery, Joel. Think healthy!