Composer Kyle Gann: Interest in my music has settled around zero

Composer Kyle Gann: Interest in my music has settled around zero


norman lebrecht

February 09, 2020

From an interview with Michael Johnson:

In the last few years my music has completely fallen off the map. Except for
a small frisson that “Hyperchromatica” seems to have created among young
microtonalists, interest in my music has settled around zero. There are many
plausible reasons: I’m a white male in an identity-politics era, my approach to
microtonality is too baffling, everyone ignores composers who haven’t become
brand names by a certain age, I live in the boondocks, I’m not a “people
person.” For the first time since the 1980s I have just gone 14 months without
composing anything. At the moment I can’t stand the thought of putting energy
into something no one will perform. Perhaps this will change again.

This interview will appear in the forthcoming book “What Musicians Really
Think” along with 29 other interviews with composers and performers.



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