Genius and Anxiety is published today in the US and Canada

Genius and Anxiety is published today in the US and Canada


norman lebrecht

December 03, 2019

My new book is published today by Simon & Schuster.

Available from all good bookstores and from Amazon.

UPDATE: Genius and Anxiety is #2 in the Washington Post’s Books for Christmas list

I’ll come over for a book tour in the Spring.

First date: Toronto, April 1, 2020.


  • Musician says:

    Congrats. It’s a huge accomplishment to write a book. I look forward to seeing it in print.

  • Carlos says:

    The date couldn’t have been better chosen.

  • Doug says:

    Ah, Karl Marx, the father of human parasitism. Did the word “father” trigger any of you out there?

  • K says:

    I can’t imagine that you won’t be in the Boston area, so I’m looking forward to that. Congratulations again.

  • Daniel Poulin says:

    Will the tour include Montréal? If so, you’ll have to meet me…! I’d be honoured to shake your hand.

  • Michel says:

    You should have put Malher on your cover since you care abour music ! The first half of the twentieth century was an outstanding period of jewish accomplishment ! Where are the great jewish genius of today ? It seems the jewish genius has faded when transplanted in the Middle East, in its ‘so called” ancestral home …

  • Herr Doktor says:

    Congratulations, Norman! I hope it does well for you. One thing’s for sure, your books are never boring.

  • Steve says:

    Norman, I look forward to attending your book signing in Toronto!

  • Congratulations! I will look forward to reading it. I enjoyed your previous books tremendously.

  • Gaffney Feskoe says:

    I have caused our public library here in small Woodbury, CT. to purchase a copy. It would be nice if others on this site did the same with their libraries.