When newspapers were worth reading
mainCaptions, please.
The Syracuse Opera Company has filed for bankruptcy,…
A barely recognisable version of Puccini’s last opera…
This is the forbidding Erich Leinsdorf, conducting the…
Fans have uploaded a performance of Schubert’s four-hand…
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“Cosa ha fatto Trump questa volta?”
The photograph is obviously more than a hundred years old. It is a miracle that many things from that period survived to this day, in spite of the predictions of many. The classical music was supposed to have died many years ago, the computers replacing musicians. It is incredible radio survived television & people still go to the cinema, which I must admit is a puzzle to me (I haven’t been to a cinema for at least twenty years). I am not sure whether newspapers will survive in paper form, but they will certainly survive online. The important thing is not the format in which they appear, but their content. As far as I am concerned dumbing down is the biggest sin one can commit culturally & is the only thing that worries me, not the format.
Shock horror – cabinet minister didn’t go to Eton. Calls for PM'”s resignation.
“Maestro Pretends to Read Newspaper to Avoid Autograph Seekers”
I see that damned Lebrecht fellow has had another go at me….
Absolutely fascinating.
Verdi looking unmistakeably Verdi. The surroundings. The people moving, in perfect focus.
Is it from a collection?
(This is not a caption, but a reaction.)
Verdi you get that news from?
Damn those critics! If they saw me walking across the Tiber they’d say it was because I couldn’t swim!
(A variation on a quotation by Margaret Thatcher) 🙂
Caption: “I wish they’d invent something that would let me read the news while I walk and would fit into my pocket, too.”
this was the time before the gossip of sites like Slipped Disc
Giuseppe Verdi reads news of the creation of Italian Eritrea and contemplates an opera about the queen of Sheba.
Sheba is in Syria.
Who is this Puccini guy?
I’ve seen this cartoon. This is he one where he falls through a manhole but the hat lingers in mid-air for a couple seconds.
According to Verdi’s facial expression, he is just reading about the splendid success of the premiere of Wagner’s Parsifal in 1882.
Giuseppe Verdi reading a newspaper. Milan, Italy.
Tutto nel mondo é burla!
“Sig. Verdi’s latest opera merely proves that he is an over-rated tune-mongerer”…. See, this proves that critics know nothing when it comes to music!
Correction.- Giuseppe Verdi reading a newspaper in front of La Scala, Milan, Italy.
Viva Verdi!
“Wonder what’s on elsewhere tonight?”
Verdi near LaSca;a?
“What ineffable twaddle!” I cried, slapping the magazine down on the table; “I never read such rubbish in my life.”
No caption from me… just wondering if anyone knows how tall was Verdi? In this photo, he looks rather tall.
“Aha! Much too late but the MeToo movement finally exposed
that scoundrel Wagner.”
‘Bugger. The British claiming to take back control of Shakespeare. Oh, I’ll carry on anyway.’
The hat is wearing him? 🙂
Goodness. A letter to the editor about something in yesterday’s paper — and published already, when it is still topical. Not like some of these here blogs, where the same story sits uncommented on for days.
“Giuseppe Verdi in lettura in Piazza della Scala
These damned kids today, staring down at their cellphones while they walk the streets, not looking where the hell they’re going… !
It’s interesting how news has changed. I get most of my news from blogs like this rather than “traditional” news sites, let alone printed news. It wasn’t that long ago that it was all printed.
Giuseppe was frankly dismayed at the way the Daily Mail had dismissed Rigoletto on its London premiere. Especially the bit about ‘thank God that after Brexit we shall no longer have to suffer the interminable rigmarole these wops produce’.
“Pucinni? Why is he being reviewed? He has never written anything important. And probably never will!
Reading a fabulous review of another Ring Cycle by that dam man Richard Wagner.
What a mistaka to maka!!
“The party of the first part shall be known in this contract as the party of the first part.”