How to compose a news theme that lasts 40 years

How to compose a news theme that lasts 40 years


norman lebrecht

September 02, 2019

George Fenton on the mechanics his most durable tune.






    A sort of genius in this … I would love to know how much he got paid!

  • Phillip Ayling says:

    Living in the US, these themes are heard much less often. I am familiar with Mr. Fenton’s film work and it is just brilliant in my opinion.

  • John Borstlap says:

    From a professional point of view, the ‘tune’ is saturated with voice leading mistakes, just simplistic chords thrown one after the other. The thing that students try to unlearn when in the first year of music theory. But that is exactly what the media prefer, so that innocent brains tuning-in on the station would not be burdened with something suggesting sophistication. It should appeal to the greatest number of people and that is, the brainless, liberated from effort: liberté, égalité, fraternité.

    Schoenberg puzzled half his life to find a tune that would last 40 years and hopefully longer, and inspired thousands of similar desperate seekers after WW II.