Violinist accuses Curtis of abuse and cover-up

Violinist accuses Curtis of abuse and cover-up


norman lebrecht

July 25, 2019

The Philadelphia Inquirer publishes an extensive article today, detailing claims by the violinist Lara St John that she was sexually abused by her teacher Jascha Brodsky and that her complaints were dismissed by the Dean at the time, and the institution as a whole.

St John maintains that Brodsky suggested she and her brother might lose their places at Curtis if she did not submit to his advances.

Three other students say Brodsky tried to kiss them. One entered a sexual relationship with him.

Curtis says it conducted an independent investigation of the case and took no further action. Brodsky died at the turn of the century, widely mourned as an influential, kindly and helpful teacher. Almost a dozen present members of the Philadelphia Orchestra were his students.

Ms St John says she was prompted to take action after reading a Slipped Disc article by former Dean Robert Fitzpatrick titled ‘When Curtis was known as the Coitus Institute’.

Lara St John: 2019 concert poster


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