Exclusive: Boston fires clarinet
mainWe understand that Boston Conservatory has removed from its roster the international clarinet player and teacher, Michael Norsworthy. No reason has been given. It is alleged that a student complained of his conduct. We have requested a response from Michael Norsworthy.
Here’s the expulsion email from the Dean of Music:
From: Shinn, Michael
Date: Thu, Jun 13, 2019 at 5:02 PM
Subject: Faculty update
To: <allmusicdivisionfaculty@bostonconservatory.edu>
Dear All,
I write to let you know that as of today, June 13, Michael Norsworthy is no longer teaching at the Conservatory.We will handle communication with his studio. If you have any questions, please feel free to speak to either Matthew Marsit or me directly.
All my best,
Michael Shinn