This pianist takes her puppy everywhere
mainThings you have to do to get an audience in San Diego.
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The Los Angeles Chamber Orchestra, founded in 1968…
The venerated pianist, playing the first Shostakovich concerto…
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Right…but not every venue will allow non-service animals.
This might well be a service animal. We don’t know, but it could well double as an “emotional support animal”. It’s a big thing, particularly in America. And I think the Americans With Disabilities Act protects one’s right to bring one’s emotional support tarantula or snake with one everywhere one wishes.
She’s been doing this for years, so this is not exactly news. She brought her dog with her both times I’ve played with her.
She’s a very talented artist with notable strength in some difficult modern repertoire. It’s a bit sad that a detail like her dog has to be used to encourage interest, but if it does I’m not against it. If I were on the road as much as some of these musicians, I would miss my dogs immensely.
As long as it doesn’t crap on the sustaining pedal.
Well to me the mention of the dog just seems like one of those “see, artists are real people too” squibs that some feel are useful in classical music PR. Like the promo articles that talk about Itzhak Perlman liking to cook, that sort of thing.
And many musicians are known for their love of pets. Fritz Kreisler canceled concerts when his dog died. I don’t think I ever saw John Browning in an audience without his little dog on his lap. And Henryk Szeryng loved to tell the story about soloing with the Milwaukee Symphony when the late Harry John Brown was music director. Brown was known for his two huge white dogs, perhaps Alsatians?, and was rarely seen in public without them. They’d be waiting in his dressing room during concerts. Szeryng decided to play with the dogs during the first part of the program before his concerto, but he accidentally let them out and they bounded out to the podium during the concert, for the predictable uproar.
Although she’s a regular @ CMS/LC here in NY, this is the first I’ve heard of her and her dog. BTW, her sister plays in the NY Phil 1st violin section.
I only know her as the accompanist to a famous fiddle player whose name I can’t remember.
Nadia Salerno-Sonnenberg
She’s a heck of a lot more than this. A very fine musician!
In the movie “Manhattan”, Woody Allen expresses surprise that Diane Keaton has a dog. She explains “oh yes, my dog – its my penis substitute”.
Deliciously alive rhythmically!
Older people trip over small dogs. I have witnessed this and it has happened to me. A friend with lung cancer treatment tripped over her prostrate pet and her last week’s saw her in a cast with a broken arm. I do not think dogs owners will be in the least concerned by any of it.