Piano news: Warner signs a Georgian dog lover

Piano news: Warner signs a Georgian dog lover


norman lebrecht

May 08, 2019

Mariam Batsashvili, 25, is a good-looking Georgian who just got a record deal.

She won the Franz Liszt Piano Competition in Utrecht in 2014, so it’s not a rushed decision by Warner.

She also supports a dog sanctuary, according to her social media.

Now Sony has a Georgian.

And DG has a wolf-lover.

Could it be a copycat signing? Surely not.




  • Esther Cavett says:

    ==good-looking Georgian

    Take cover and wait for all the comments on this rather unnecessary description

  • Laura Kuennen-Poper says:

    Norman, can you please help the world move on from egregious sexism and stop commenting on how woman look? A list of accomplishments, upcoming activities, etc. will suffice, don’t you think??

    • Dorian Clemons says:

      Yes, as your egregious intolerance demonstrates, free speech should be banned completely or subject to strict censorhip by the Silicon Valley oligarchs and the government.

  • Kameleon says:

    Good looking = entirely unnecessary comment. Her skills are what make her important.

  • steven holloway says:

    “Could it be? Surely not.” Could it be what??

  • Paul Brownsey says:

    A good-looking Georgian woman, alas.

    Please post pictures of male Georgian pianists you are prepared to describe as “good-looking”.

  • Charles Brink says:

    Good looking georgian..please refrain from this sort of comment. What is the point?