Cristiana, 22, is Rotterdam’s new 1st horn

Cristiana, 22, is Rotterdam’s new 1st horn


norman lebrecht

May 31, 2019

The Rotterdam Philharmonic has chosen the Portuguese virtuoso Cristiana Neves as first horn.

Apparently, she blew a brilliant audition.

Cristiana Neves Custodio was born in 1997 and began to play the French horn at the age of four. In 2015 she finished her studies with Professor Nuno Costa and moved to the Musikhochschule Hanns Eisler in Berlin, working with Marie-Luise Neunecker.



  • Tom Hase says:

    Firstly, her name is Christiana, not Christina. Secondly, she has moved on from Hanns Eisler already two years ago. She has been working with Stefan Dohr at the Karajan Academy for the last two years and as an academist has played 3rd horn with the Berlin Phil quite a lot. Finally, she is obviously an amazing musician, congrats to her.

    • Cristiana says:

      Dear Tom, thank you for your kind words! I am still studying at the Eisler with professor MLNeunecker though! doing both academy and bachelor at the same time!
      greetings! 🙂

      • Horn Player says:

        Congratulations. The beginning of an amazing career. Enjoy. All the best to you.

      • Tom Hase says:

        Thanks for the correction, and congratulations again!

      • Barry Guerrero says:

        I’ve always carried a quiet torch for the Rotterdam Phil. I like some of their old Edo De Waart recordings and I love their recent DG box set with Nezet-Seguin. Congrats and good luck to you there.

  • Ger says:

    I am not surprised! I heard her play during a french horn competition in the Netherlands a few years ago. Martin van de Merwe gets an excellent successor!

  • Ryder Cimitiere says:

    Horn at the age of four– is that one of those pink plastic ones?

  • Enquiring Mind says:

    Fantastic playing! How can a four year old play horn? violinists play a 1/16th or 1/32nd size violin. Horn seems like a lot of blowing for the small lungs of a 4 year old. Just curious.

    • Wai Kit Leung says:

      Probably a baby horn (a Bb horn wrapped tightly).

    • Cristiana says:

      I learned how to breath correctly and how to buzz just with the mouthpiece, I learned about the different parts of the instrument and how it works, before I got a small F horn at the age of 5.

  • Axl says:

    Bravooo Christiana!!! You’re so good! That’s wonderful news! Congratulations!

  • Don Ciccio says:

    There’s something really good happening in Portugal with regards to horn players. Apart from Ms. Neves, there is also Abel Pereira (incidentally, also a Neunecker pupil) who is the marvelous principal horn of the National Symphony Orchestra in Washington.

    • Axl says:

      In recent years – Berlin Phil has been two portuguese academist before Christiana – Ricardo Silva and Luis Vieira! Both great horn players! And yes – Mr. Boss Pereira! He’s really good!

  • Ducijouer says:

    Great news, a talented musician gets an orchestral appointment. Or is it because she is a woman and that is what we ‘want’ to talk about?

  • Elvira says:

    What a sound!!!! What a sensibility!!!!

  • Jan says:

    “The Portuguese virtuoso Cristiana Neves Custódio has been named princpal horn of the Luxembourg Philharmonic. She’s currently touring with them in Holland and Spain.” What is the news?Rotterdam……Luxemburg?????