Rest assured, Jonas Kaufmann sang tonight

Rest assured, Jonas Kaufmann sang tonight


norman lebrecht

March 21, 2019

We hear from friends in the Covent Garden audience that he sang in Forza, opposite Netrebko.

Let us know if you were there.


  • sycorax says:

    A friend of ours was there and said she didn’t like the production in itself not much, but it was well done and she found especially Ms Netrebko rather great.

  • C_Porumbescu says:

    Very much so. At the curtain, a lady in a kimono hurled a bunch of red roses at him; it fell into the net covering the orchestra pit but he recovered it without missing a beat.

  • Viola da Bracchio says:

    Frankly, no-one seriously doubted this would happen – although it will bleaken the day of the Windgassen Fan Club here, who believe that the only good singing happened in the era of wax cylinders.

  • Lydia Wahlberg says:

    Any reason given. Oh, big guys like him don’t have to give a reason.

  • Philippa Ballard says:

    See the Alex cartoon of 21-Mar re: price of tickets 😉

    • Lesley C Hendrickson says:

      Aaaaaagh! Used to work for a guy who loved to brag to me about scoring Glyndebourne tickets — because he knew that I loved opera and that I also knew he’d snooze thru it.

  • Emil says:

    But SD went on DEFCON-1 over a missed dress rehearsal.

    • Viola da Bracchio says:

      No dress rehearsal was ‘missed’. JK shares the role with Eyvazov in this production, and considering Kauffman was singing the opening night, it made sense fot Eyvazov to sing the DR.