Sicklist:  Elīna Garanča dumps Paris

Sicklist: Elīna Garanča dumps Paris


norman lebrecht

December 31, 2018

The Latvian mezzo has pulled out of Les Troyens, three weeks ahead of premiere.

She is being replaced by a Russian, Ekaterina Semenchuk.



  • JayBee says:

    She also cancelled Les Troyens in 2012… Maybe as a friend of mine said, she should open the score before signing the contract.

  • Massimo Brassoli says:

    “Semen Chuck”– what are we supposed to make of that?

    • Tiredofitall says:

      Nothing, unless you’re in elementary school. Geez. Fine artists shouldn’t be the object of such puerile humor. Grow up.

    • Ms.Melody says:

      Mocking people for their last names is sooo passe and boring. Every time a major artist cancels due to illness, a barrage of abuse and snide remarks is unleashed. Are they not human?, Do they not get sick and suffer?. Why assume that she can’t handle the part?I think it is much better to cancel then sing and deliver substandard performance. Just think of a recent Otello fiasco at the Met when a sick tenor struggled and suffered through the opera and the audience along with him.

  • H Van Dusen says:

    Many singers, Domingo among them, Have found Troyens too much, too difficult. But
    three weeks!!??

  • Jack says:

    “Dumps?” Are you implying that she is faking?