After 210 years, the Gewandhaus Quartet has its first female member

After 210 years, the Gewandhaus Quartet has its first female member


norman lebrecht

November 23, 2018

The Gewandhaus Quartet has appointed Associate Concertmaster Yun-Jin Cho as its second violinist.

She is the first female member since its foundation in 1808.


  • boringfileclerk says:

    There goes the neighborhood .

  • John Borstlap says:

    …. and all that time they were longing for female companionship, but had to wait until the taboo on females had been broken long enough.

  • YoYo MaMa says:

    What does that have to do with anything except your obsession with females?

  • Sue Sonata Form says:

    Superb!!! Keep doing that thing you do.

  • Pianofortissimo says:

    At last! 🙂

    (By the way: great, great quartet.)

  • In 1991, women represented only 7% of the personnel in the Gewandhaus Orchestra. By 2009 it was 27.5%. This was an increase of about 1% per year which seems to be a rate found in many orchestras — an interestingly uniform international pattern.

  • Karl Luttinger says:

    I played quartett with YunJin when we were students at the Conservatory in Berlin. She was outstanding, sightreading through Haydn in a breeze. I am not surprised at this news and see her taking on the first chair in the future.