Job vacant: Berlin State Opera seeks 15-18 year-old journalist

Job vacant: Berlin State Opera seeks 15-18 year-old journalist


norman lebrecht

October 17, 2018

Aus unserem bulging inbox:

Die Staatsoper Unter den Linden sucht neugierige Reporterinnen und Reporter zwischen 15 und 18 Jahren, die in den Herbstferien vom 29. Oktober bis 2. November 2018 Lust haben, einen Blick hinter die Kulissen der Oper zu werfen, Künstlerinnen und Künstler zu treffen und über ihre Erlebnisse zu schreiben oder in Videos zu berichten….

Junge Staatsoper
T + 49 (0)30 20 35 46 97


  • Caravaggio says:

    A 15 to 18 year old journalist? Are they kidding? Aren’t immature 15 to 18 y/os up to their necks with high school and all that? And what do they know about life and the world let alone the world of opera and singing and classical music? This is a fool’s errand.

  • Ben says:

    Animal Farm never gets old. 🙂

  • Lilas Pastia says:

    This is a project of one week’s duration during the school vacation period (Herbstferien). They use the term journalist in the invitation, but this of course is an outreach project to teenagers. Getting teenagers to experience opera and write/video-report about it to other teenagers looks like a good project.

  • Alexandra Ivanoff says:

    I think this is a clever marketing idea. Teenagers are so saturated by the global pop music machine that they are not aware of what other musical choices are out there. The image they have of opera is tainted by negative peer pressure that assumes it is something for old people. So, a curious and expressive teen reporter who goes backstage, talks to the singers and conductors, and witnesses performances will be able to create a totally different and energized picture of what opera really is. His/her peers are bound to try it out as a result. Smart thinking by the Staatsoper, and I hope other companies around the world do it too.