Sudden death of Irish orchestra chief, 63

Sudden death of Irish orchestra chief, 63


norman lebrecht

August 23, 2018

John Kelly, chef executive of the Irish Chamber Orchestra from 1993 to 2012, has died suddenly in the United States, the orchestra has tweeted.

A violist by training, Kelly is credited with placing the orchestra on a firm financial footing with substantial government funding.



  • Lawrence Kershaw says:

    How terribly sad. A really talented and charming man and his contribution really was crucial to the Orchestra.

  • buxtehude says:

    A question: do orchestral administrators with responsibility for raising money, balancing budgets &c have say a median longevity comparable to conductors, or is it considerably shorter? (Leaving out persons who combine both roles.)

    • drummerman says:

      Take it from this orchestral administrator…it is considerably shorter. In the US, it’s not uncommon for someone to have 6 or 7 CEO jobs in his/her career. (Sometimes even more.)

  • Algot says:

    Very sad news. He was a good friend in Detmold, always very nice and social, I’m glad he put his talent to good use back home in Ireland.