An American in Berlin: Anthea Kreston goes video

An American in Berlin: Anthea Kreston goes video


norman lebrecht

August 17, 2018

From our string quartet diarist:


  • Simon Evnine says:

    This is wonderful ! Please more films of your travels

    • Anthea kreston says:

      Oh ok! That was my first try – I edited on my iPhone – it was really fun. Maybe next time we can go to the grocery….

  • Helen Wynn says:

    Thanks so much for taking the time to give a real picture of your experiences. Loved hearing you practice your German!

  • Britcellist says:

    A photo/video is worth a thousand words. The video will give people who have never travelled out of their country a view to another part of the world. Good for you! Let’s see more.

  • Marg says:

    I couldnt believe a barn could seat 1,000 people! I wonder what the acoustics were like.