The recording Sviatoslav Richter did not want us to hear

The recording Sviatoslav Richter did not want us to hear


norman lebrecht

April 13, 2018

This practice tape, made in the pianist’s home in 1957, has just been posted on Yutube.

As with anything Richter plays, the concentration is compelling.


  • Rgiarola says:

    It cannot be so bad, as many official records of some of now-a-days pianists.

    • Michael Kaykov says:

      Agreed. And no editing here!
      The so-called modern recording artists who splice bar-by-bar…. somewhat irrelevant in the face of such genius.

  • Novagerio says:

    Surely a blessing being a fly on the wall!

  • jansumi says:

    Just noodlin’ Doin’ a what comes naturely..

    Profoundly beautiful.

  • Sue says:

    Wow!!! This man was just incredible. Surely one of the very greatest?

  • Michael Kaykov says:

    This recording was circulating amongst collectors for many years – I sent it to the uploader and encouraged this fantastic post.
    Note how intense Richter sounds even at home!

  • Frostez says:

    Anyone know what kind of piano Richter had in his home as his ‘main’ piano?