Breaking: ENO cancels Traviata. Gas is blamed

Breaking: ENO cancels Traviata. Gas is blamed


norman lebrecht

April 03, 2018

Tonight’s performance of La traviata at English National Opera was cancelled an hour before curtain.

The audience was told there was risk of a gas leak.

The show, directed by ENO’s artistic director Daniel Kramer, has received the worst reviews of any mainstream opera in years.



  • John Rook says:

    Tout va bien, alors!

  • Rob says:

    Laughing gas?

  • Alexander says:

    Moscow attacks again ?

  • CYM says:

    Well, just like gaz, Violetta is ‘volatile’ . . . .

  • Mark Pemberton says:

    It’s true. There was a massive gas leak last week, and there’s is now a big hole in St Martin’s Lane.

  • Hilary says:

    In this extraordinary timpepiece of an interview Muti declares his lack of sympathy for the ethos of English National Opera in no uncertain terms:
    On account of excellent musical education from formative years, the U.K was a world leader in Classical Music at this point in time.

    • Saxon Broken says:

      That was the era in which London orchestras earned large amounts of money from recordings, which meant they needed very little funding from either donations from the rich or public subsidy to be “world class”. Weren’t we lucky.

  • Nick2 says:

    So has the ENO made another disastrous appointment?

  • Joseph Pujol says:

    I wonder what the soprano ate that caused the gas problem?