An oboe is hijacked in a French railway station

An oboe is hijacked in a French railway station


norman lebrecht

March 28, 2018

Jean-Philippe Thiebaut, co-principal oboe of the Orchestre national d’Île-de-France, has put out an appeal for the return of his instrument, which was stolen at the box-office of one of Europe’s busiest railway stations.


  • David Leibowitz says:

    Did they look inside the wolf’s stomach?

  • V.Lind says:

    How did it get stolen (:hijacked”)?

    What is a station box office?

  • Doug says:

    This is an antique instrument with value only to oboists. I hope he recovers it.

  • Susan Rühl says:

    Nous sommes désolés pour vous – moi je suis bassoniste et mon mari altiste. Bonne chance !!!

  • db says:

    Triebert is the name of the instrument’s maker, the musicians name is Thiebaut.