Maestro quits Paris orchestra

Maestro quits Paris orchestra


norman lebrecht

January 22, 2018

Once the foremost orchestra in Paris, the Colonne’s fame has subsided.

Its conductor resigned today after 13 years.

See if you can name him.


  • steven holloway says:

    I thought he was supposed to leave in 2014. A sad decline for the Colonne, which can happily be heard in far better days in recordings under Horenstein, et al.

  • Olassus says:

    I would never have guessed his name. But I can recommend a Colonne recording from the 1980s:

    The Duruflé Requiem with Corboz conducting, and two decent vocal soloists. Also, the Four Gregorian Motets are exquisite.

  • Alexander Platt says:

    A once-great orchestra, with a great past….surely somewhere out there is a dynamic young conductor willing to take the reins.