Biz news: An Egyptian soprano gets big management

Biz news: An Egyptian soprano gets big management


norman lebrecht

January 15, 2018

AskonasHolt have signed Fatma Said, an Egyptian soprano who has come up through Berlin’s Hanns Eisler Hochschule and the singing academy at La Scala.

She’s currently on of the BBC New Generation artists.


  • Alec Nacamuli says:

    Heard Fatma Said at Wigmore Hall today, excellent in a repertoire of Schumann and Mendelsohn Lieder, Poulenc and contemporary Egyptian songs. Looking forward to hearing her again in London. She has sung at La Scala, Covent Garden please note!

  • Melisande says:

    You can her Fatma Said and James Vaughan in their today’s Wigmore Hall recital. Such a personal and warm voice and excellent pianist
    I wish them a continuing and bright future.