Vladimir Putin laments Hvorostovsky’s death

Vladimir Putin laments Hvorostovsky’s death


norman lebrecht

November 22, 2017

The Kremlin has issued this statement:

The president extends his deepest condolences to the relatives and friends and all admirers of talent of Dmitri Hvorostovsky, who passed away today.

‘In general, we believe he is the heritage of both our domestic culture and global culture. This is a very grievous loss.’

Two months ago, Putin awarded the baritone an elevated state honour.



  • Cathy says:

    Dmitri once said that he wanted to reach out and create an intimate moment with everyone in his audience so that we could all experience the joy and the sadness conveyed by his music. He achieved this in a way that I don’t think another singer ever did. He united all of us, from all cultures and all religious persuasions around his music. It was clear that the love and devotion between himself and his wife gave him the stability to pursue his brilliant career. He said that he could not have gone through this illness without Florence at his side. So right now we are experiencing group pain to the depth that we experienced group joy from his singing. We are all here for his wife, children, the parents who united to create the baritone of the ages and for his friends and musical colleagues who glowed when they sang with him, conducted for him and composed for him. We share your loss and your pain. We are all a collective family. Now we need you in the spirit world ,Dmitri ,to help us conquer the division among us that has been created in this material world. You have done your work here and we will all carry your smile deep inside us.

    • Kristina Pax says:

      This comment of yours, Cathy, delivered a brainstorm to all of my senses. From today you are forever in my heart.
      Please see a YouTube, short video, by F. Hvo picturing beloved Dmitri in Florida. You will laugh and love it, I guarantee. Every night this video is a must for me to watch. Dmitri delivers a first class comedy there.
      I miss this brilliant man so much. His departure is the hardest of farewells for my old heart. I hurts and hurts.