Gerald Finley is out with appendicitis

Gerald Finley is out with appendicitis


norman lebrecht

September 08, 2017

The international bass-baritone Gerald Finley, due to open London’s Wigmore Hall season tomorrow night, has been rushed to hospital with appendicitis.

The Wigmore have replaced him with a tenor, Robin Tritschler.


  • Arthur Serating says:

    Bass-baritone replaced with a tenor? How does that work? Forgive my vocal ignorance.

  • So the cool guy half naked in the picture is Robin Tritschler or Gerald Finley? I didn’t know Gerald Finley is so hot ~

    • Bruce says:

      This is Gerald Finley (shirtless):

      Honestly can’t make out who is in the photo at the top of this page.

    • Thank you for this important source! You are the best, as always.

      Comparing the title image of this post with the real Gerald Finley you dig out, I would say the shirtless cool man we see here, with his imposing long hair, can’t be our appendicitis suffering protagonist?

      But at least now we know that this image, or more specifically the topless gladiator therein, is supposed to depict Gerald Finley, who doesn’t actually appear in the picture.

      I can’t remember when pictures in the media stopped to have captions. They used to have something like “Gerald Finley (L,topless)” under the images.

      Furthermore, I can’t understand why Gerald Finley is called an “international bass-baritone” here. I thought he was a Canadian singer. Does he move his residency to the international space station or what?