A glimpse of the unknown Celibidache

A glimpse of the unknown Celibidache


norman lebrecht

September 04, 2017

As a further dimension to our ongoing discussion, here is rare cheerful footage of the Romanian conductor coaching the Danish Wind Quintet in 1973 with a passion for pinpoint tempi.


  • Cardoso Peres says:

    Great footage! Here is a fascinating documentary of Celi rehearsing the choir and the LSO in Faure’s Requiem: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xf_1kaf2Otc.

  • DESR says:

    That happened to William Osborne? He would always pop up when Liebe Sergiu’s name was mentioned…

  • Cyril Blair says:

    Now I can’t get that piece out of my head….