German ballet chief calls time at 89
mainThe venerable choreologist and ballet master Georgette Tsinguirides is retiring this weekend from Stuttgart Ballet after 72 years in the job.
‘Best to stop while you’re still standing,’ she says.
After a short career on stage Georgette Tsinguirides started out as John Cranko’s assistant. He sent her to London to master the Benesh notation method and she returned as Germany’s first choreologist, cserving and teaching the ballet heritage.
What wonderful memories of John Cranko! I can never forget his stunning Romeo and Julliet and the lovely symphonic ballet Initialen R.B.M.E., a tribute to his solo artists Richard Cragun, Birgit Keil, Marcia Haydee and Egon Madsen danced to the Brahms Second Piano Concerto. Who knows how many other major works he would have created had he not died at just 45?
His R&J is non-pareil. And his Taming of the Shrew, which I saw with Haydee and Cragun, contained one of the most dazzling things I ever saw on a ballet stage.
Lovely man.
Dearest Georgette! It was a wonderful experience working with you on Onegin and MBMS! Congratulations on your fabulous work passing on these great ballets, I wish you a happy retirement ❤️
Jo Jewkes